Rise N Shine!  Our two acre farm went without a name for a little over a year.  I wanted to get the feel of the farm, see what transpired around here and how it felt before I decided on one name.  We tried a few out but none seemed to fit.  As you can see from the picture at the top of each page we wake up to a beautiful sunrise every morning.  This picture was taken on our farm as the rooster's were crowing one fall morning.  The farm is especially nice during the changes of season it always reminds me of a new beginning.  Each morning is a new beginning given to us from God to make a difference in the world.  We can go out and help people make changes in their life, be a better person, grow as a person and we can see the changes.  Each new day is full of opportunity for us to better ourselves as human beings and be there for people who are less fortunate than us. 

Rise N Shine Farm is a reminder that each new day starts a whole new beginning of something great!  Each day we can start over and be or do better than we did the day before.  So as the rooster crows each morning, you see the sunrise, or you just rise in the morning ask yourself this question, "What can I do today to make a difference in someone else's life?"  To change the world it is done one person at a time. 

~ Dawn

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    September 2012

